Sirnasik The Smart Cat

My name is Sirnasik. It means importunate, pushy and sticky. They gave me this name maybe because I tried a bit too hard to be friends. I look like a British Shorthair. I don’t take this as a compliment. In the past, I had other masks. Probably I had a family before but I can’t be sure. Maybe I have always lived on streets. But I don’t feel feral altogether.

Sometimes I do this “pet me please” pose, but I don’t let anyone touch me, which is confusing for humans.

Can you pet me, please?

My left pupil is permanently frozen. In broad daylight, you would not notice that. In dark, I look like a pirate bearing scars of a long forgotten fight. During the day, however, I look like the lazy cat I am.

To sleep or not to sleep?

One unexpected surprise was to learn that cats on this planet have a tendency to have this existential crisis. Is there more to life than meowing and yawning all day. Are we really from the space? Did martians leave us to pro pyramids? Is Bastet my grand, grand, grand uncle?

Man, that was really funny!

I sound very confusing to you, I know. You think I am only a cat. I can’t speak, don’t have hands and of very little use to you humans. For thousands of years, thought we’re only good for killing rats. I don’t want to philosophize or be judgmental. I fear those big words, Stephen said, which make us so unhappy. I am no Stephen, and big words make me sleepy.

I need to sleep now. In a few hours, the sun will go down and Kuzey will get me some food for the day. He his a nice boy and I sometimes bring him a gecko or a large locust. Humans don’t eat those things, I know. But how else can I express my gratitude without words? The truth is, I am not in this for the food.

I spent thousands of years on Earth and I have leave very soon.

I just love this human child and it gives me a weird sense of purpose and happiness to be around him. In a few months, he will go away to a place called Manila. I hope he comes back and doesn’t feel sad when he can’t find me. He does not need to worry. I will send my angels as to guard him. Wherever he goes, there will be other cat’s watching over his shoulder, seemingly only killing geckos or munching on his slippers.

This is a tricky and difficult world. I can’t send only one cat for this very important mission. Well, there are of course thousands of candidates but I already know who will do the trick.

I will send in the Princess first.

Then the Mercenary will follow.

They will tell you our story and soon you’ll learn.

And more importantly, he took a nap…